Upcoming Events

The Bhutan Society organises several events each year, in London and elsewhere, for Society members.
The next events will be online talks:
Thursday 27th February 2025, 6:30pm
Online via Zoom - Matt Heasman will lead out first discussion on the Blue Poppies (Meconopsis) of Bhutan.
Matt will lead the discussion with an illustrated talk including some beautiful pictures of Meconopsis, which are not all blue! He will take a look at some of the species that can be found in Bhutan, their habitat and growing conditions. Matt will show us a few of the species that can be grown in cultivation and provide a brief guide to growing them, sharing their requirements and needs for successful growth in our gardens.
Tshering Dorji, studying for a PhD at the Royal Botanical Gardens Edinburgh, is helping Matt with setting up the talk. In time, for future discussions he hopes to encourage more Bhutanese members and those back in Bhutan to become involved with this series of talks.
Thursday 27th March 2025, 6:30pm
Online via Zoom- Zara Fleming will lead our second discussion on the Wheel of Life.
The Wheel of Life is found in all the Buddhist areas of the Himalayas including Bhutan. Nearly every monastery and dzong will have the wheel painted at the entrance to the temple or Assembly Hall, but not inside. The very earliest known depiction of this image is from the Indian Buddhist Caves at Ajanta and dates from the 4th century – and those members who have read Kipling’s Kim will know about its significance for Buddhism.
Annual General Meeting
Thursday 15th May, 6:30pm
In person and livestream
The AGM will be followed by a talk from Ugyen Dorji who most recently was Home and Cultural Affairs Minister in the Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT) party and is now studying for a year at the University of Oxford.
Details will follow and this event will be live streamed and recorded.